Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Coming Soon...Homeschooling Moms Spread the Word!

I found a meme last year to join for homeschooling but the blog author gave it to another blog author to do and I never saw it again.  So I decided to try to start my own.  I want a weekly meme called Homeschool Happenins' so us Homeschooling Moms can post weekly about our adventures.  Please tell your other Homeschool Moms that you know about it also.  I am in the process of making a button for it, so stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Danielle,
    My name is Elaine Littau and I am an author of Christian Historical/Western books. They have been placed in some Jr. High libraries in Texas for the accelerated reading program. I am reaching out to home schoolers by giving away the first chapter as well as study guides and reading comprehension questions for the entire book. I hope to have the questions for my other two books ready soon. You can find information for Nan's Journey, Elk's Resolve, and Luke's Legacy on my website elainelittau.com. Thank you for your time. Your blog is very refreshing. I also have a blog. nansjourney.blogspot.com.
    Elaine Littau, author
